The business environment of every company is becoming increasingly complex and dynamic day by day.
Statutory information obligations of companies, public relations activities, as well as the growing awareness of corporate social responsibility, lead to a continuous increase in the number of individuals and entities actively interested in the business activities conducted in their immediate environment. All these individuals and entities, along with owners, employees, suppliers, and customers, constitute various stakeholder groups. Effective communication and relationships with stakeholders are currently among the key factors for business success.

I support interested companies in creating stakeholder engagement strategies.
Mediation experience proves to be very helpful in mitigating emotions during discussions and negotiations with local communities, for example, before commencing linear investments and other public utility projects. These investments often involve the necessity of expropriations, land acquisitions, or the establishment of easements. Conducting numerous mediation meetings, during which a consistent and fair offer is presented to stakeholders directly affected by the implemented investment, allows for its efficient management later on, avoiding delays and unnecessary costs.